
Protein Supplements

There is probably no other nutrient that gets as much attention with sports people more than protein owing to its role in muscle growth and repair.

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Protein is found in foods such as red meat, poultry, fish, dairy, eggs, nuts, tofu and legumes but is also available in a variety of formulated supplements drinks, bars and powders. For some, protein supplements can be helpful as par of their overall nutrition plan, however they certainly aren’t essential for everyone. We stock a wide range of such products including Whey Protein Isolates, Whey Protein Concentrates, Casein and beef protein.

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Provide extra protein supplements to your regular diet

Protein supplements, such as protein shakes, are growing popular among men and women due to their ability to:

  • Increase protein intake
  • Not add extra calories
  • Not have carbs and fats packed together

Whereas a meal replacement shake is more substantial than a protein shake or powder mix,which are:

  • Designed to cut extra mass
  • Low in calorie content
  • Packed with all the essential nutrients that a meal provides

Whether you are looking for a protein shake or a meal replacement shake, Pharmacy Junction is the best place to shop for protein supplements online. Talk to your nutritionist or doctor before taking supplements or you can seek medical advice from our pharmacists.

For more information on our protein shakes and powders, talk to one of our pharmacists at(02) 9633 2238 or send us a message.